United Way Day of Action June 21 – BC Wood Properties

BC Propiedades de la Madera

Crecimiento. Rendimiento. Valor.

On Wednesday, June 21, 2017 United Way of the Bluegrass will host a community Day of Action, presented by BC Propiedades de la Madera. The regional event is an invitation for people to get involved by volunteering to help local nonprofit partners. United Way of the Bluegrass is still in need of volunteers for a variety of projects. Partner agencies will host volunteer activities in counties served by UWBG, including: Anderson, Bourbon, Clark, Fayette, Jessamine, Madison, Montgomery, and Scott counties.   

Volunteer sites include the following United Way partners: 

  • Amen House
  • Anderson County Adult Education and Literacy Council
  • Clark County Community Services
  • GleanKY
  • Greenhouse17
  • Growing Together Preschool
  • Hope Center
  • Jessamine County Adult Education
  • Kentucky River Foothills
  • Paris-Bourbon YMCA
  • Lexington Women’s Club Clothing Center
  • Beep-Beep Book Swap
  • Gateway Children’s Center

A variety of volunteer projects are available for all ages and abilities and range from half-day to full-day activities. Registration will remain open through June 20. United Way encourages participation from individual volunteers, families, and corporate or civic groups.  Bill Farmer, United Way of the Bluegrass President and CEO says, “Day of Action is a great opportunity for volunteers to unite in service. Together, we can accomplish great things. Whether you want to get out and enjoy the day, help a local agency, or learn more about your community– this will be a valuable experience. Central Kentucky is a great place to live, work and raise a family, and volunteering is a great way to give back and help improve your community.”

Volunteers will receive a free Day of Action shirt and are invited to a breakfast kick-off rally to be held at the United Way office in downtown Lexington.  A Day of Action celebration will be held at Ethereal Brewing on June 21 at 5:30 PM and the community is invited to attend. Crust by Bella Notte will be making pizza on the patio and Ethereal will host a tap takeover featuring the Lips of Faith series from New Belgium. 10% of all sales will be donated back to United Way in support of regional impact efforts.

To learn more, or to register as a Day of Action as a volunteer, please visit www.uwbg.org/DayOfAction.

About United Way of the Bluegrass:

United Way of the Bluegrass is a leader and motivator of change for long-terms solutions for Central Kentucky communities. We have a bold goal that together, we will increase the number of self-sufficient families by 10,000 before 2020. United Way has committed to four key drivers of success for community and economic success:  basic needs, school readiness, student success and financial stability.  Systems have been developed to evaluate the quality and success of programs supported by UWBG, so investors can be assured that dollars will have maximum impact on the community. For more information, visit www.uwbg.org or follow us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/UnitedWayOfTheBluegrass.


Media Contact:

Katie Williams

Vice President, Marketing / United Way of the Bluegrass

859.351.8567 / Katie.Williams@uwbg.org



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